Admin Information Megathread

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • This is the official admin application information thread.
    This policy also supersedes any past decisions made on anything touched on this thread as to not cause contradictions.
    This thread will outline:

    • The Acceptance Threshold for both Admin and Senior Admin Applications
    • The voting system

    For an Admin Application to be processed it must achieve a minimum threshold of 75% of all votes being vouches.
    For reinstatements that require voting, they now also need to receive 75% of all votes being vouches.. If it is an inactivity reinstatement, it may be approved as soon as the applicant in question has received 3 hours of active playtime on the server.

    Admin Applications will be processed after a minimum of 10 days after creation.
    For Senior Applications, they will be processed 2 weeks after creation.

    For a Senior Admin Application to be processed, it must achieve a minimum threshold of 90% of all votes being vouches within 2 weeks.

    If you get denied due to not meeting the requirements, you may reapply whenever you meet the requirements.
    If you get denied due to a lack of vouches, you may reapply 30 days after the date of denial.

    I am now hereby also abrogating the option of going Neutral as a vote.
    If you wish to comment, you may do so however a Neutral will not count towards the votes required for your application to be processed.

    All operators and members of staff will have an equal vote, we are doing away with the point-based system for now which favored Senior & Exec votes.
    Forum accounts below 30 days will not have their vote counted however will be allowed to make comments.

    If you are applying for the same position as somebody else, you may vote on their application.

    Recommendations will do nothing in favor of your vote, and are optional for Admin applicants. However, at least one recommendation is required for Senior Admin applicants.

    EAO Team

  • @Miwojedk#9542 Because of the responsibility that comes with being an admin, I'm personally not a fan of allowing admins only a little over half can agree should be staff. I'd like the staff team to be somewhat unanimous when voting for a member of staff, more especially a senior admin, the highest traditionally available rank. With the removal of telnet clan and senior voting, I'm trying to bring the rank of senior admin back to how rare and admirable, for lack of a better word, it was seen to be.

  • Quote

    @fionn#7750 at least 15 votes within at least 10 days

    @fionn#7750 15 votes within 10 days

    @fionn#7750 at least 25 votes within 2 weeks

    It seems I missed this when skimming the policy the first time. Can you elaborate on what happens if the required amount of votes is not reached within the stated time frame?

  • @fionn#9558

    What if the applicant gets shouted at for bumping the post?

    Also I think you should clarify the rights the OP has but more simpler

    (This is not a joke btw, I've seen OPs get shouted at for bumping the post)

  • @Miwojedk#9921 All of these numbers are trial numbers, we're trying these numbers out and we'll adjust them thusly. Although, 1 of the 2 current applications does have 25 votes, and the previous senior apps were made at a time when these forums were not as populated as they are now.

  • @Miwojedk#9972 He said neutral doesn't count as a vote (which I don't agree with), and I believe redeastwood may have 25 votes on his application but I haven't checked to see if that takes into account neutrals and general comments.