AutoTP + AutoClear

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  • So sometimes when OPs are chunk or NBT banned, they have to wait for admins to clear them. This wait may be short but in recent days due to certain events it's been a longer wait.

    My suggestion is, if you are verified with the discord bot, you can message the bot 'autotp' or 'autoclear' and it will run it for you on your account only in-game. This will help most of the people that are chunk or NBT banned. The non-discord users, well, I can't think of a solution for them.

  • I Vouch


    @Ashaz#7537 The non-discord users, well, I can't think of a solution for them.

    we do have a hub that could be utilized for that collective. or even outright autotp and clear after encountering a disconnect on its packet size disconnect or whatever. i do think theres more avenues for this suggestion then just using the discord bot although more hoops to bounce through

    assrix, assryx, asterisk, *

    awesomeist tf blokey

  • @lyicx#7557

    maybe we could have it that from the hub you run some command like /auto alias (so to clear, '/auto clear' and to teleport, '/auto teleport') which does it on the player only, with a warning too (as some players have special inventories)

  • @videogamesm12#7538 I'm not sure we can, if we can then I'd like info on how, but from what I've seen it's a limitation within Bungee and Minecraft...

    I'd also like @elmon's thoughts on this, as it would have to be added into the bot more than anything required in TFM.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • @wild1145#11139 This definitely seems like a TFM implementation, at least it would make a lot more sense. TFM already has the bot token in it's config for things like role sync, and the account links between discord/minecraft are also tfm-side.

  • Quote

    @wild1145#11139 @videogamesm12#7538 I'm not sure we can, if we can then I'd like info on how, but from what I've seen it's a limitation within Bungee and Minecraft...

    I have brought up a solution multiple times in the past, but I don't believe it has ever been seriously considered. You simply check the size of all incoming and outgoing packets and don't process them if they are too large. This will result in some visual glitches, but that is much better than being kicked from the server. Checking packet sizes can be done manually or through ProtocolLib's wrapper.

  • FS-175 raised to allow OP's to do this for themselves as a shorter term fix.

    FS-176 raised to do some investigation around if there's a good way to catch these errors and not kick players from the game.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK