Indefinite Ban Request - Scootero

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • This guy is going to scoot his way into an indefinite ban.
    1. Username, UUID, IP(s), and short ban reason for each offender. Format as follows:

    2. What did they do? This user crippled Freedom-01 with over 11k minecarts, making it unable to start and subsequently prompting video and I to spam things to enable an /rd minecart to somehow slip by before the server collapsed again. This took several attempts before we were able to successfully reboot the server without it crashing.

    3. What indefinitely bannable offence does this fall under according to the guidance for sanctions?
    New Policy:


    2 . Respect the platforms we run

    Old Policy:


    1a. Attempts at harming the server.
    1g. Using an exploit that restricts a players experience.

    4. Add logs and/or screenshots of the occurrence here, and tag any witnessing staff. Evidence of previous offences that are not the direct cause of this request can also be added here. Witness: @"videogamesm12"#4

    [05:15:24] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Ticking entity: minecraft:minecart, entity class:  
    [05:15:24] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Entity status: removed: false, valid: true, alive: true, is passenger: false  
    [05:15:24] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Entity UUID: c835a7a1-9adf-4763-8998-5ee7a253bf79  
    [05:15:24] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Position: world: 'flatlands' at location (71.52999997138977, 55.59249997138977, 57.5)  
    [05:15:24] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Velocity: (0.6831015959128897, 0.0, 0.0) (in blocks per tick)  
    [05:15:24] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Entity AABB: AABB[71.03999996185303, 55.59249997138977, 57.00999999046326] -> [72.01999998092651, 56.29249995946884, 57.99000000953674]  
    [05:15:24] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: ------------------------------  

    5. Are they known under any other names or IPs, and if so, are they currently (indefinitely) banned under those names and IPs? This information is used to keep track of ban bypassers. No.


  • Ahhh, when I saw his username in the thread I knew exactly what he did

    Back in July I banned this player from both freedom-01 and freedom-02 for attempting to crash both servers with minecarts. I was just about to leave for the day though so I didn't do any collection of evidence and it was a busy day so I ended up forgetting.

    Iirc he got banned for doing the same thing once or twice afterwards but not sure - I do remember him being verbally warned for building a contraption that used slime blocks to launch hundreds of minecarts, but he was given the benefit of the doubt.

    I know this isn't entirely relevant but I believe it shows a bit more as to the players character - he didn't just join once and decide to mess around - he was still doing this exact stuff 6 months ago.

    Oh, and he has an alt.

      uuid: '13f427a4-b308-4362-8a61-ddc3e9192ff2'  
      reason: 'Crashing Freedom-01 with 11k minecarts'   

    Luckily he seems to have a static IP and from his previous behaviours, doesn't seem to be a bypasser.

    Oh yeah and vouch.

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.