Associated Community Policy

  • An Associated Community is any community (with three or more members) that has a listing on the TotalFreedom forum. Associated communities are not limited to Minecraft - Discord servers, other game servers, or anything similar are all fair game.

    For a community to be eligible for association, they must not be managed (in part, or fully) by any currently indefinitely banned player on TotalFreedom.

    1. Communities that are centered around engagement in illicit activities (such as organized bullying, DOX, and DDoS attacks, etc), or where discriminatory jokes and slurs are common and or encouraged. Such communities may not be listed on this board. Such communities may also not be advertised (giving out IPs or invite links) on any official TotalFreedom channel (Discord on any channel, in-game, SMP, etc. To be clear, doing so in private messages does not violate this specific policy. Simply discussing the communities is also fine.). The ECM has the final say regarding communities that fall under this category.

    2. Any conflicts that are internal to the associated community should remain so - discussing such conflicts is fine, but if an associated community is causing issues (e.g staff encouraging players to cause problems on TotalFreedom) then the Community Manager has the authority to re-evaluate and possibly revoke association.

    3. All associated communities must allow advertising of TotalFreedom within your community (within reasonable limits, of course. If a TotalFreedom member is causing a problem in regards to this, contact the ECM.

    4. If there is a critical problem between Total Freedom and an associated community, the point of contact for addressing the problem will be the Community management team and not the owner of Total Freedom.

    5. An associated community can end association at any time for any reason. If you wish to do so, send a message to the ECM.

    6. To become an associated community, simply send a message to Lyicx (or winston motherfucking churchill#9317 on Discord as of 6th July) and post your community information on the Associated Communities board ( You may do both of these actions at the same time, and do not have to wait for a response before posting.


    • The old policy included certain requirements that seemed needlessly self-limiting. Those requirements have been removed.

    • The old policy included information about the unaffiliated server board. Unaffiliated communities will no longer have a category to themselves, as advertising your community on the forum automatically means you are associated with us.

    • Associated Communities may be advertised in-game once every hour, and in addition, they may also be advertised outside of the #server-chat channel with the same time limit. The time between advertising in #server-chat/in-game does not overlap with the time limit of advertising in other channels (e.g, you may advertise once in #server-chat/in-game, as well as once in other channels every hour).

  • Updated to refer the ECM instead of the deprecated ESL since its now under ECM Jurisdiction as per executive policy.


    This individual will also continue to oversee any associated communities / servers with the TF Network.

    assrix, assryx, asterisk, *

    awesomeist tf blokey