regarding panther

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • Literally did not rollback shulkers IN MY OWN PLOT when i asked him to. It was an item shop, MaskedTitan was somehow able to take the items directly from the shulkers he was supposed to ctrl-copy. Panther kept arguing that "YoU coUlD nOt PROTeCT YoUr owN pLoT So i woNt hELp yOU" or something along those lines. Same logic as saying you won't fix a grief because the build's owner couldn't stop the griefer on his own. When he finally DID rollback, a GLARING PROBLEM of coreprotect was unleashed: Potion nbt is not stored! The actual nbt that should be wiped is book nbt. ;DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDSFERYTT^UY^&Oi8

  • Right so there might be something worth noting in here but this reads like a spam and drama shitpost more than anything - you should privately contact a senior admin if you have an issue with any admins conduct rather than making a rage post on the forums. Please and thank you.

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  • the op created this thread out of a valid concern. it's only spammy because of the way that he wrote his complaint, and the way people responded.

    i was here for this and i agree that the way panther responded to this case was unreasonable. his explanation was that he didn't want to be unfair to the person who took the items. i think the person who stole the items knew that what they were doing was wrong, going by the fact that they needed to use an exploit to do it. i generally think panther is a good and level headed admin but this was not one of his best moments. i am disappointed that he doesn't see this situation differently.

    this situation raises some possible bugs:

    • the nbt of items in containers is not properly stored by coreprotect
    • plot containers are liable to have their contents stolen if the plot flags are not configured correctly. i would like to hear what flags were missing to determine if this is something we can fix or report to plotsquared.

    ninja edit: i concede that it would have been more responsible for the op to air out his concerns more privately. i stand by my overall perspective on the situation though.

  • Quote

      SuperRyn or are you salty

      SuperRyn Literally did not rollback shulkers IN MY OWN PLOT when i asked him to. It was an item shop, MaskedTitan was somehow able to take the items directly from the shulkers he was supposed to ctrl-copy. Panther kept arguing that "YoU coUlD nOt PROTeCT YoUr owN pLoT So i woNt hELp yOU" or something along those lines. Same logic as saying you won't fix a grief because the build's owner couldn't stop the griefer on his own. When he finally DID rollback, a GLARING PROBLEM of coreprotect was unleashed: Potion nbt is not stored! The actual nbt that should be wiped is book nbt. ;DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDSFERYTTUY&Oi8


    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  •   FromTimeToTime i agree, superryn is not in the wrong here at all, it was panther's logic here that caused this thread in the first place (being objective here), because there is no possible way you are being unfair to the person stealing the items by rolling back the stash so that the original owner can have the items aswell, this isnt 2b2t where that logic would actually make sense.

    Endermatter Cat-Person with wings and Magic who follows the Cat Religion.

    "Never Surrender."

  •   FromTimeToTime thats not the elephant in the room with this post - this post shouldnt exist.

    As I've said, if one of us fucks up or does something you feel we shouldn't have done, get in contact with a senior admin privately and they will sort the situation out. Making a public post is not the way to go about something like this, especially not an immaturely written public post that barely looks serious.

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  •   SuperRyn Realistically, I probably shouldn't have done the rollback, especially since

    • It's a plot, and there is no other way that someone could have taken items from the plot without the plot's owner giving them permissions to do so
    • I did not know the intent of the person who took the items
    • CoreProtect doesn't store the complete NBT of the items

    You even said to me you don't "manage" the plot yourself, so I don't really think you can blame anyone but yourself here. You had the ability to prevent this from happening, but it did, and I didn't want to roll it back since it didn't appear to be an actual grief or violation of rules. Also, you're overblowing this entire situation... it was a couple of PvP items that I have seen duplicated and copied all over the server anyway. You didn't actually seem to lose anything that doesn't exist somewhere else on the server.

  •   SuperRyn i do advise you if you are gonna do things like this to not rage in your post. i cant even take it genuine and currently you're at risk of a ban given the current forum climate

    for the record i dont think this is a shitpost like the ones we've seen recently. more so an unsatisfied individual

    and if you do actually have an inquiry on an admin i highly suggest you take it up with the senior or fuck it the EAO team instead of this public callout type shit which doesn't help anyones case. not even your own

    im locking this now to prevent shit going any further

    assrix, assryx, asterisk, *

    awesomeist tf blokey