Skyblock has moved

  • We've now moved the Skyblock server on to TF's infrastructure provided by Superior-Networks.

    For our users, you should see no difference if you are connecting in a address. For any users connecting on the old address, for a short amount of time it will now disconnect you and ask you to re-connect using the new IP while the legacy server is operational.

    This should start to resolve the TPS issues, it looks like the original host used had very poor CPU and disk performance, which was causing the server to be less than ideal.

    We will over the coming weeks continue to improve the stability and reliability of the Skyblock server as we are aware there is still some work to be done to improve.

    For those who wish to explore the server, please join us on


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK